Thursday, December 30, 2010

Once Upon a Miracle by Wanda Baylis (Dream4More Review)

Once Upon A MiracleOnce Upon A Miracle by Wanda Baylis

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wanda shares a gratifying and unbelievable autobiographical story of how she conceived a child outside of her womb at age of 29. We also read from the doctor and nurse in the foreword and prelude of the opening of the book, then her introduction of how she dreamed of having a child of her own after being in the hospital room with her goddaughter giving birth to her own child. The author went at all lengths to conceive the miracle baby before turning 30, based on her medical condition and following the hormonal requirements such as certain hours of the day and sexual positions during ovulation, and willing to have a child with a man who was already joined to another woman. She was willing to make these sacrifices to have a child, as the "other woman", and to take care of the infant solo if she had to. God made all things possible even in the mess of things.

There are some passages that could have been condensed or her early life experiences to less than a chapter and focused on the premises of the miracle baby as the book is entitled. We do want to know how the child was conceived (Clifton), the pregnancy and medical mishaps, etc, and the aftermath of which she indulged her readers with rightfully so. It is well-appreciated to know such a story and shared with everyone to show God's goodness regardless of the outcome.

The book is 348 pages, and could see this book at barely 200 pages to enlighten the reader with the "meat of the story" instead. I welcome the "life lessons" she also shared in the book even though she admits she didn't take it, especially messing with a man whom she knew had another roommate (woman) and conceiving a child with anyhow to bring life into this world. Barren to birth is a remarkable story to be known even today, and highly to those who have medical conditions that leave women barren in which this story gives them hope.

Overall, her "miracle" baby and "miracle experience" shows us that unsung heroes of ordinary people with extraordinary stories should be shared. Her daughter survived on earth for 7 1/2 weeks, "seven" means completion, and lived to show God's miraculous powers and joined her Heavenly Daddy. We don't need celebrities necessarily to tell their memorable stories (memoir) to have such an impact on one's life like this book.

In the back of the book, she included those who endorsed the book, actual medical records, and photos throughout the book of family, her, and the baby when born, etc.

*There were editors mentioned in the acknowledgment page, yet still were minor grammatical and/or typographical errors throughout the book (e.g. on lookers should be onlookers, goodbye was written in the book as good bye or good-bye (which is acceptable), US should be U.S. and word confusion 'since' should be 'sense'). However, this doesn't take anything from admiring the story told, miracle shared, and beneficial to those who have lost hope on God's miracles.

I would recommend this to women with medical conditions that doctors do not see them having children or barren to at least see how God's miracle worked in another woman's life regardless of what the doctors said. Single women who want children, those 25 and up, and medical professionals to see how the miracles manifested vs. medical science.

Dream 4 More Reviews received a copy of the book from the author's marketing representative.

Dream 4 More Reviewer,

Adrienna Turner

Sweet Dreams!

View all my reviews

Monday, December 20, 2010

Dream4More Review Book Read Feature

Dream 4 More Reviews are reading, "Once Upon a Miracle" by Wanda D. Baylis. Visit website: to get your copy today! Review will be posted soon.

Email: or call 414-332-2421 for booking info.

Publisher: ZOE Life Publishing, 2010.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

December Reviews 2010

Time & Place: In the Life of B and K, Edition 1Time & Place: In the Life of B and K, Edition 1 by Khalil Coleman

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The author is taking a major step to reach the inner city streets and our youth not to make senseless decisions in this book. We read about B and K walking the neighborhoods and see significant difference between the ‘hood’ and ‘decent’ locations. We are able to read the nonfiction book as a “reality-check” to what is happening in certain neighborhoods that are generally overlooked and accepting impoverished lifestyles because of poverty. The author also covers the police brutality, harassment, and abusive behaviors demonstrated through racial profiling and homicidal police shootings while being in the underprivileged neighborhoods known as the ‘hood’.

While reading this booklet, I see this as a documentary in writing, where one is able to visualize the realities of inner city street violence, homelessness, and numerous liquor stores to keep people seeking after pipe-dreams or hopeless lives. Is this only happening in urban communities or those less deprived? Do we allow our environment to dictate our future and actions? These are some of the questions that came to mind while reading this documentary on inner city lifestyles and choices. We can finally read a book about street life that is not glorifying the streets, or use of profanity and explicit sexual content to get the message across. I would have loved to read this as literary fiction or as a novel.

Khalil Coleman shared two young male’s life stories and experiences without real or fictional names, only identifiable by B and K, which reminds me of a mathematical equation. The differences in neighborhoods, life styles, and outcomes is the equation to how one’s future will turn out if one allows these factors to play a part on the overall equation. A short book that is power-packed in just 41 pages as if you were there. I didn’t want to rate this book since it speaks on so many issues that need to be addressed; this is in a category of its own.

Khalil Coleman (author) gave a book to us for a review.

Dream 4 More Reviewer,

Adrienna Turner

Wooed Me Dream.

View all my reviews

Dream Your Reality BOM is changing

We are wiling to add video trailers or book trailers with your short bio or synopsis, book cover image, and website. We also will add it to MySpace Blog. Our rates will be adjusted in 2011. We want to hear from you about the changes on (Dream Your Reality BOM). We also want to add 4 Dream Your Reality questions like some Virtual Blogs/Bloggers and chance to win a copy of your book.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Early Thanksgiving Sale

Adrienna's Books
Book to be Autographed To

Friday, November 19, 2010

November 2010 Reviews

Sacrifices in the Name of LoveSacrifices in the Name of Love by Vanessa Alexander Johnson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Vanessa Johnson starts out with the expectation I had in mind in correlation with the title, where we see young Tessa Phillips father’s verbal insults about black people when they relocate to the south for residency. Trey Martin, basketball player, accepted Tessa’s apology but was desensitized to this behavior from other racists in the south. Yet, the sexual attraction happened so quickly in the story that I didn’t feel they established a sincere relationship so early on. Then, after sexual acts continue and pregnancy is the ultimate question, now we see Trey praying to God and wish he never did it without using protection. Normally, we read the female’s side in the story having such an emotional-spiritual breakdown but we engulf in a man’s sentimental side. We hear this time and time again with people fulfilling the ‘lustful eyes’ and not what consequences come with it until it hits them dead-in-the-face.

I really enjoyed the writers’ style and voice in the novel; however, we read or hear this story about a woman getting pregnant and willing to eliminate the man out of the equation to fend for the child solo. This was Tessa’s idea but not the Trey’s. She's willing to tell an ambiguous lie: she was raped and got pregnant in the process to move far away where the man never sees his child. Will she really go forth with this story? Regardless of her plans, a young girl that doesn’t let those close to her know the truth instead has a web of lies, she doesn’t realize who she’s really destroying—the life that she gave. I really enjoyed the read.

Dream 4 More Firm received pdf (e-book) format from the author for review.

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner
Wooed Me Dream.

View all my reviews

The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody BoxThe Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box by Valerie J Lewis Coleman

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Debra fell for the wrong man, who she believed was her "forever". Vincent was caught in the act of fornication when Debra arrived home, seeing a familiar face with her man. Too many times we see women get cheated on--never see it coming or choose not to--and to know. Men need to stand and take their place to tell them face-to-face before engaging in the act. Luckily, she has her girls to cry to and get it together!

Rachel and Brian, the married couple, are having sexual issues in their marriage with their routine scheduled sexual duties and who wears the "pants" in the household. Rachel doesn't understand the beauty of sex and the importance of marriage as a whole due to emotional baggage. We see so many case-scenarios on relationships due to bringing the wrong baggage in the relationship and not willing to speak about it or clean up their act to get it right.

Sherry is seeking help from Doc Reid and tells Debra about him since she keeps getting involved in countless going-nowhere relationships. She needs to reprogram her whole outlook on men and relationships. Doc Reid breaks down the process of men: sees women with his eyes, his crotch, and then his heart. He can only get pass the visuals when his emotional, spiritual, and mental maturity happens. Use the goody box as a built-in power source to be emotionally connected to you.

Loved reading all this on p. 81. Ironically, we see the author, Christopher Reid put his name in the book also as Doc Reid. Overall, will ladies take the mental notes or brush it off and still open the goody box and end up in emotional disasters repeatedly. The man should "invest in you" not your goodies that are his ultimate focus (which is usually the case as visual-sex hunters).

This book is a tool for hopeless, countless relationships that go sour, and women who want to learn what their goody box is used for—(what is the main purpose). Some know the power of it, others use it for their own ill-gotten gains as most just use it and can't accept when men continue to hit it and leave you pitiless (or empty-handed).

Is the ending for a sequel? Cliff-hanger because you left me hanging?

*Goody Box was provided by the author-publisher (Valerie Coleman) for a review.

Dream 4 More Reviews,

Adrienna Turner

View all my reviews

Blended Families An AnthologyBlended Families An Anthology by Valerie J Lewis Coleman

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The short stories speak about families in this book that were helpful because it uses experiences that can be related to families of today. To understand how others have combined families through faith, determination and persistence is something that I found personally useful.

Families that are combined should use this book as a reference for issues that they are currently and will face in the future.

I highly recommend that this book is a read for step parents and step children so that they can understand that they are not alone. This book will show these people that others have faced the same issues that they are facing.

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Emmanuel Brown
Wooed Me Dream (Amazingly Brilliant)

Blended Families (Anthology) was received by the author to provide a review.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Books on Sale

If you want to avoid shipping, email us at for "the Day Begins with Christ" or send $15.95. Or send check, money order to PO BOX 240803 Milwaukee, WI 53224 with payment of $15, no shipping included. Please submit your shipping information, name, title of this book, and will ship out 24-72 hours after payment received. Or order below! Website: (Dream Store)

Adrienna's Books
Book to be Autographed To

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dream Sponsor Stephanneth Adams on Dream4More Blog, Life's Journey: Woman 2 Woman at Check it out now!
Dream Sponsor on Forum:

Life's Journey: Woman to Woman

Stephanneth Adams is the founder and aspiring author of Life’s Journey: Woman to Woman. She loves to talk about women’s issues. She is currently pursuing a Graduate Degree in Women's Health (Nursing), and her passion is to help woman while she learns about the physiological, sexual, spiritual, and social needs of women. Being a woman, she understands that women struggle with varying issues. Through her faith and teachings of God, she has acquired some basic principles that can help women endure life. Thus, there is a Life’s Journey: Woman to Woman that's an inspiration for the woman’s soul! 


This inspiring and motivational book is strictly for the ladies, although men will enjoy too! It is filled with inspirational messages from back to cover, providing the reader with life-based spiritual tips to foster personal growth and motivation. The author takes the reader through the winding paths of her own journey of life, as a WOMAN! As she journeys along with you, she addresses LOVE, FORGIVENESS, SEX, GOD, HEAVEN, and more. Tips on how to break free from your past and propel into your “better you”. At the end of each chapter, there is a challenge section created especially for you to learn to forgive, to find love, to embrace God, and discover yourself. Those seeking to stay encouraged will find it inside this book!

A few example titles are: 1) From Shame to Acceptance, 2) Who will Marry Me?, 3) Being Pregnant is not my END, & 4) My Flesh, My Master

Life's Journey: Woman to Woman $13.99 COMING in 2011.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

She'll be at Milwaukee Writers Circle at 7pm at Reader's Choice 1950 N. King Dr. Competitive Spirits in Literary Market. 7-8pm only.
Completely Whole by Paulette Johnson Dream4MoreBlog:
Completely Whole by Paulette Harper Johnson Dream4MoreForum:

Dream Your Reality BOM: Completely Whole by Paulette Harper

This book is inspiring, optimistic, hopeful and encouraging while providing a clear-cut, scriptural blueprint for each reader to follow as they allow the Word and the power of God to transform their pain and restore their lives on their road to living a healthier, spiritual life. Completely Whole features thoughtful meditations, and timely scriptural passages, all designed to present the reader with a detailed, comprehensive understanding of what it takes to achieve a truly fulfilling life… Spirit, Soul and Body.

A prayer and confession is included at the end of each chapter that will be sure to help the reader to establish a connection, not only with the principles in the book, but a spiritual connection with God Himself.

Non-Fiction Inspirational
Paperback: 158 pages
Publisher: Thy Word Publishing, Aug 3, 2010
ISBN 10: 0-615-33101-7
ISBN 13: 978-0-615-33101-0

Available Now at
Amazon Kindle

Paperback available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, Books-a-Million.


Also book cover is posted on Dream Your Reality Prophecies Inspirational Reads at for 2011 reads.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

the Life Series November 6th with the Authors

We are talking to the authors who will share their struggles and victories. If you are an author or writer, whether seasoned or aspiring, you've completed a book, or want to know the lifestyle of the author from different walks of life. Be there tonight.

TONIGHT @ 9pm Central Time, USA on the Adrienna Turner Show: *Stephanneth Adams (aspiring author & founder of Life's Journey: Woman to Woman)
*Vanessa Davis Griggs (best selling, award-winning author/Christian Fiction)
*Shelia E. Lipsey (best selling, award-winning author/Christian Fiction)
*Adrienna Turner (award-winning author, radio host, and founder of Dream 4 More Firm)

Email any last minute questions to a hour before show. IF we are unable to answer, we will do it on December 4th showcase, Ask the Author, hoping these or other authors come to answer the questions and if it requires research or provide a service, we'll let you know on the show.

Dream Yours,
Host: Adrienna Turner

Friday, November 5, 2010

Home Again: Linda Beed on November 14th Dream4More Radio

Home AgainHome Again by Wanda Campbell

Home Again, read Linda Beed's short story in the book, the very last story enclosed in the anthology as the "Back Porch" section entitled, "Flavorful". The story starts off with the end result then goes back to the past of how it lead to this outcome that shows that people can restore past relationships and change their situation for good.

There were some good passages and lessons to be learned in this short story too. The fruit that God intended will come forth and its time for us to get our flavor back. “Fruit that God allow to come forth flavorful—takes our growth, purpose, and can be picked too soon (paraphrased, p. 186).” Here we see that in life as we grow like a tree, we have to get to the root of the problem for our branches to grow. In other words, we may have gifts that are not developed or nurtured properly that can separate us from our purpose. We also can be plunked too soon before we can see the gifts manifest. As the story states, "don't miss the chance to come back to your purpose, despite the atrocities of life."

I plan to read the rest of the anthology with other faith-filled stories.

View all my reviews

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dream Interviews on Dream4More Radio w/ Vanessa Miller on 11/28/2010

Interview will appear on November 28, 2010 on Dream 4 More Radio. on Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Central Time. 347-989-0702.

Review: A Love for Tomorrow by Vanessa Miller, Sweet Dreams!

Vanessa Miller’s Second Chance Series, book 2, “A Love for Tomorrow” is one of my favorite reads of the series thus far. There are several valuable lessons to be learned in this novel.

Serenity Williams and Michael Randolph dated for five years, had marriage plans for the last three years of the five years in the relationship that went sour because of his ego-driven motives and persona for his church ministry. This divided the couple to go their separate ways. Later, Michael wants an interview on Serenity’s televised ministry program and also announces his new marriage plans to Karen. Karen is the opposite of Serenity, who will not challenge Michael’s competitiveness or someone that will overshadow him and his ministry like he feared Serenity would. Serenity once asked herself while in the relationship and after meeting Pastor Phillip McKnight, “How long do you have to wait on God to work on somebody?” Yet, we have to work on ourselves, not asking God to change someone else to meet our own agenda.

Serenity knew since a young girl that God called her to minister the gospel to many, yet she started a TV ministry based on her own understanding instead of becoming a Pastor in which is her true calling. Like most of us, she allowed fear to take hold of her true ministry by being cautious of not undergoing disappointments and losing church members like her father and brother did as pastors. She also is afraid of developing meaningful relationships. Not only does Serenity fear “intimacy” with God, but also walking into her destiny.

Serenity Williams and Pastor Phillip McKnight are facing past relationships that require healing, restoring, and allow the Holy Spirit move in their situations by letting go and let Him perform miracles in their lives. Pastor Phillip McKnight has to let go of his past marriage, ex-wife Chantel, and a love before he came to Christ, and seek closure of this old relationship before moving into a new one. Serenity has waited on a man she believed was her husband. Michael only reminded her of his position in the Christian ministry, not wanting her to overstep him although she’s anointed with God-given gifts and abilities for the occasion. These two, Serenity and Phillip, see how their past lovers get involved with another person to replace them to meet their own needs, or trying to come back in their life when things look promising for them. I enjoyed reading this novel because this couple has a chance for love regardless of their past choices, past relationships, and past desires. We change when we look at things differently and accept our calling.

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner

We received a copy of the book from the author via interview and review is included for promotional purposes.

Monday, November 1, 2010

November Reviews

The House by Anjuelle Floyd. NOJ Publications. Dream 4 More Ratings: Sweet Dreams.

Anjuelle Floyd’s first novel, “The House”, and her sophomore work, opens up with the divorce legal proceedings of Anna and Edward. Shortly later, Anna discovers Edward in the hospital for a deadly disease—cancer. How can a woman be furious in the proceedings and then welcome the same man in her home to take care of him in his last three months of life? I had to see where the author is going with this—some would say, “dying” and “divorce” doesn’t mix where one would see this as an “option” to be there for someone who is dying and filing a divorce. Edward had adulterous affairs during their marriage, and makes one wonder why. The author, Anjuelle, later examines and shares why he had these affairs on his wife, Anna.

Edward Manning believes as long as he’s the provider and met these requirements as a husband by providing a “home” and “financial stability” for his wife and family is all that matters. While Anna feels that she only wanted to “love” her husband, Edward, and have a family would seal the deal in the marriage. The house is what kept them and divided them as a married couple. House divided is also mentioned in the Scriptures: Mark 3:25; Luke 11:17; and Matthew 12:25.

Anna was also willing to put all the burdens of her children and Edward onto her—needs to release and accept her feelings for Inman. Ironically, she saw Edward in her children: David and Serine, also her daughter-in-law, Millicent. All the negative things she assumed about Millicent, amazingly, secrets were revealed and Millicent named her twins after the two people she truly admired: Anna and Inman. Anna would have never imagined the misconceptions she had about her daughter-in-law and to name her twin daughter after her.

Overall, this novel is well-written and character-driven. It’s a contemporary, family-relationships story that you could read and enjoy from the first page until the very end. Look out for this author.

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner
Sweet Dreams, 4 stars.

*Dream 4 More Reviews received a proof copy of the novel by the author. The opinions of the reviewer doesn't reflect to the views of Dream 4 More Firm.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Join us on A.T. Show: the life of the Author Series starts 11/6/2010. Dream4More Radio 1 yr & A.T. 2-yr marks on 11/13/2010.
Dream Winners on Dream4More Radio 1-yr celebration:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


We are adding a review segment for Book Promos and Interviews now. We will post your book reviews on our Blog; Goodreads (Adrienna Turner); star-value and BTR interview mark on Dream 4 More Reviews on Goodreads; our radio show page on Facebook (Adrienna Turner Show or Dream 4 More Radio); and/or inspirational magazine: Promoting Purpose under Lady V Reviews. See what we can do for you!

You can review details and pay on Dream Interviews Page.

We are also adding announcements for your events, businesses, and more on there too! They can find out about you on our networks and radio shows for a very low price. What are you waiting for!

Book Promos is not just for more exposure after reviews, it is also to know about your latest books or upcoming books. Let's do the work for you. Free announcement too. Send your photo of book or picture of you, short bio and synopsis of book if applicable, and website to purchase your books. We will read it on our commercial breaks. You can also pay for commerical/announcements only.

You can even send your own MP3s, but has to say on the commercial/announcement: "You heard it here on [name of the radio show] (Dream 4 More Radio or Adrienna Turner Show) with your host with the most: Adrienna (ah-dree-na) Turner."

Send to either Adrienna Turner Show (

or Dream 4 More Radio (

Dream 4 More Now,

Adrienna Turner!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 2010 Reviews

The Rewritten Word... by Aggie Villanueva. 2009. Cielo Rojos Publishing. Dream 4 More Rating: Wooed Me Dream.

Aggie delivers a power-packed small booklet for authors, literary professionals, and even editors to review for their writing or works they are editing. She explains the importance of rewriting for authors, even if you don't understand how to do it. There are several examples on rewriting by omitting adverbs with endings of 'ly', verboten, first person, past/present/future tenses, and much more. She quotes from "Elements of Style" with use of numerals, anything 10 and up, can write as number instead of words. However, there are other versions, believe it's the Chicago Manual of Style or Kate Turbian Manual of Style (written by a librarian) that states usually 100 and up. In most cases, it is the choice of author/publisher and sometimes the editor. Most businesses would use numbers instead of numbers, especially in reference of statistical information or insight.

This is highly recommended for authors. Editors can keep a copy on hand too. This refreshes my memory when I am doing both. She also offers references (books and other sources for recommendation).

I'll review some of these sources in the near future since I always want to enhance my craft as a writer/editor and literary consultant. I hope to get this author on my future radio shows: Secrets of Success (Adrienna Turner Show) or Dream 4 More Radio (literary moments to discuss on "rewriting").

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner
Wooed Us Dream, 4.5/5 stars

Piecing the Puzzle Together by Brian Ganges. 2010. Peace in the Storm Publishing. Dream 4 More Rating: Sweet Dreams!

Brian Ganges first nonfiction book, Piecing the Puzzle Together, has a wealth of diving knowledge and wisdom. He also has practical applications and principles to understand self; bad versus good control; and glorification of God and other concepts that we are to follow Jesus, not necessarily God, the Law, ministers, or even the Bible.

Even as a researcher/scholar of the Scriptures and someone who also writes spiritual, nonfiction books, the early readings of the book was over-the-top for me to digest and insight was beyond normal conception. His knowledge-base and analogies were what most people have read but was able to see God’s divine Word dissected and His goodness taught in layman terms. Moreover, there were areas (or chapters) in the book I really enjoyed such as “Good Control: The Glory of God”; fictionalized story; and not to follow our pastors, what we were taught because we have been branded, embedded these specific Scriptures or sayings from them instead of what Jesus actually taught to His disciples. Be expected to read and know the truth!

What will Brian Ganges write next…and deliver to the masses to open the blinded so they can see; go from spiritual milk (watered down teachings) to get the meat of the Word of God (spiritual wisdom and knowledge).

Dream 4 More Reviewer,
Adrienna Turner
Sweet Dreams! 4 stars.

Marcia Woodruff. Flames of Deception. City Stone Publishing. 2010. Posted 10.12.10.

In Flames of Deception, you will find a never ending whirlwind of twists and turns. Just when you think you know who all the parties that are involved, then another one comes into the mix. Not only is it full of sex, but it’s full of scandal, deception and betrayal.

When Candice George meets Hamilton Baker, she thinks she found “the One”. That thought is soon replaced with the thought that “enough is enough”, after dealing for too long with Hamilton’s cheating way. When she finally has enough and tells him it’s over FOR GOOD, Hamilton feels betrayed. Even though he has been the one cheating with countless women for years, when Candice moves on to a new man soon after her break with Hamilton, he swears revenge. Black mailing those close to her, who also have a few secrets of their own, that he knows about, he plans the most extreme way to get revenge on Candice and her new beau. All the while, unknown to him, his past is fast on his heels.

With minimal grammar mistakes, the book was an easy read and flowed nicely. Although you might find the level of revenge a bit much, you can’t help but enjoy the read and how it all falls into place.

Dream 4 More Reviewer,
Kie Rodriquez
Sweet Dreams. 4 stars!

*This is the opinion of the reviewer, does not reflect the views or opinions of Dream 4 More Firm. The book was received by the author via mail for a book review.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

How does it differ for AA authors? Today, 5pm CST at Call 347-989-0702 to voice your comments or chat.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Radio Updates

Show updates: and Links updated accordingly.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sweetest Day with Dream Summore

Milwaukee area or surrounding cities, come see Dream Summore (Adrienna Turner) on Sweetest Day at floral shop:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dream4More Radio New Year Showcases

* Dream Moments (1st Sundays): inspiring stories of triumph, victory, redemption, repentance, and glorious moments to encourage/edify others.
* Literary Moments (2nd Sundays): panel discussions on literary-related topics, encourage authors to be on panels and avid readers/reviewers and some social/community based issues that pertains to illiteracy and challenge people to innovate ways to get people reading and dreaming again!
* Dream Interviews (3rd Sundays): interviews with dreamers, motivators, realist, innovators, creators, entrepreneur spirits, and positive people who want to see change, to influence others, and to keep people dreaming with a future of hope.
* Dream 4 More: (4th Sundays) genre-based authors; literary professionals; and other professionals in social, youth-based programs, organizations, and community events that are enforcing positive methods to shed a positive light on their audience/people.

More details on:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dream 4 More Radio

We've updated our showcases:

Review and we're looking on completing the showcases for end of the year. If you want to be on the showcase, review details on the site above by October 15, 2010 and email us at

We'll be working on 2011 too. Ideas are welcomed to our email too! Midnight Hour Ministries on Adrienna Turner Show, Fridays at midnight hour EST, send prayer requests and ideas to thank you!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Updates 2 Come!!!

In December 2010, we'll update the reviews and all reviews are archived on our Dream4More Blog. We're thinking of using a forum board to post reviews and allows comments from members to post too. Share your thoughts.

September Reviews 2010

Mirror, Beware! by Dream Summore. 2010. Dream 4 More Rating: Wooed Me Dream! 5 stars.

Debut Young Adult Author, Dream Summore, delivers an emotionally and socially challenging read. "Mirror, Beware" will have readers cheering and rooting for main heroine, a young, Antoinette Rogers. The secondary characters also proved quite interesting and intriguing. It is my hope that Dream Summore will morph "Mirror, Beware" into a series. Hint, hint.

Dream 4 More Reviews,

Vanessa Richardson

*This is the opinion of the reviewer and does not reflect to the views of Dream 4 More Firm. We received a book from the author and mailed to the reviewer for a book review.

That Which Does Not Kill Us Makes Us Stronger. By Gazelle Simmons. 2008. Dream 4 More Rating: What a Dream! 2.5/3 stars. 9.13.2010 posted.

The memoir starts out with the dysfunctional family history. We see that Gazelle was free from her second marriage (divorced), and as we read her family history before she was even conceived that also her mother married her second father before giving birth to Gazelle after three miscarriages. We also see her mother’s mother, Vivienne, also remarried twice too. It seems to follow a generational curse of marriages, children out of wedlock, and men marrying women with children that are not their own flesh and blood. As some families, we also see physical, verbal, and sexual abuse that’s ignored and/or accepted.

No one knows how to face the realities of being pregnant by a married man. We see how Gazelle secret unleashes and faces the ordeal once she confessed to the man she conceived the child with and letting a good man go that was sterile. She also shares her molestation by a pedophile and near-death experiences. But God sends angels (sometimes good people He sends our way) and blessings in small packages. Ultimately, Gazelle was able to move on with her life, provide for her children, and trusted God’s promises even when it appeared as no way out.

*Wow, I saw my name in the book, spelled like how my mother was supposed to spell it as Adrena or Adrina.

Dream 4 More Reviewer,

Adrienna Turner

*This is the opinion of the reviewer and does not reflect to the views of Dream 4 More Firm. We received the unbounded book from the author for a book review.

Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male. Philip Nork. 2010. AuthorHouse. Dream 4 More Reviews: Wooed Me Dream. 5 stars. 9.12.2010 posted.

One of the most important lessons that I learned in life was not to judge a book by it's cover. The cover of "Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male" is a beautiful cover, but the title made me a little hesitant to read the book.

As I read it, I found myself interested in the story and the lessons that were being taught at the end of each chapter. Even as I came to realize that I was enjoying the pace of the book and the storyline, I soon realized that Philip's book was not predictable at all. I found myself reading the book from start to finish and having to pace myself to get a full understanding of the messages that I was reading.

This book is very easy to read, enjoyable, and full of life's lesson that we sometimes take for granted. I started looking from a point of view that I would like for others to see when they have any type of relationship with me. I guess I could say that I have some of the macho characteristics that Philip described in "Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male" and by reading about the feelings that women have or how they think in certain situations, I began to see mistakes that I have made in my own life and how to avoid these mistakes in the future.

This was a very good book. I personally recommend that men, women, and teens to read this story to see things from his perspectives that they might be using and look at these situations so that they might see things.

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Emmanuel Brown

*This is the opinion of the reviewer and does not reflect to the views of Dream 4 More Firm. We received a book from the author and mailed to the reviewer for a book review.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

One Day Sale Only

Did you get your copy of Mirror, Beware! You missed the last sale, but for one day only, get it for $15.85, no shipping. Send money to (Paypal) or email us to forward an invoice. Ends at Thursday, 3pm CST, September 9th.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dream Summore Dream Interview

Dream Summore is premiering on the Adrienna Turner Show. She'll be the Host with the Most. She is taking any questions, comments, or suggestions on the live show. Those who do not want to be featured on the recorded show, can send their questions to or her Facebook Page:!/group.php?gid=113136483525&ref=ts

Dream Summore, Adrienna Turner Show on Saturday, Sept. 4, 2010 at 9pm CST for one hour. 347-308-8612 to speak to the author live.

Dream Summore Website: (click on book cover) Join today!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Purchase 3 Books and Get a Free Book.

added to the Back2School Special, if you buy 3 of any books on sale, you'll get a free copy of a book. Only up to 3 winners for these special books on site. Let me know if it'll be U!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dream Summore on Radio

Scheduled on

GENXY (Guiding and Empowering N Youth):

6pm CST, call in (914) 803-4174, or listen online 8/23
... (August 28th?)

Adrienna Turner Show where Dream Summore is the host with the most, bring on the questions and comments from guests and live feedback! Call in 347-308-8612 at 9pm on Saturday, 9/4 when the show airs live.

Still have until September 6, 2010, Labor Day to get your copy for only $10/$3 shipping, savings of $5.00!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dream 4 More Reviews: August 2010

Appetizer When You're Not the Main Course by Ni'Cola. 2010. NCM Publishing. Dream 4 More Rating: What a Dream! 3 stars.

Ni'cola is on her sophomore novel. She has allowed me to read her previous work and was amazed with a new talent on the writing scene and ambitions as a publisher-author.

After reading and reviewing her first book, Over and Over, this book did not have the same hook and page-turning capacity as her freshman novel. The title captures your attention though. Yet, this story displays how two women (Nia and Yazmin) accept being the other women (appetizer) with married men. Then, we see Monae who focuses on her girls issues and problems with their men instead of facing what is right in her face with Malik, until he's gone. When she gets it right, she walks into more than her eyes could bear. Hard to believe that Yazmin took Trey back in her life so easily after having twins, Trey was a no-show when she was in the hospital near death and had the babies, and then his wife Jill lets him go so easy. Loose-ends, does this mean another book?

*minor typos, wondered why the book was double-spaced too.

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner
3 stars/What a Dream!

*The opinion of the reviewer does not reflect the opinions of Dream 4 More Reviews. The author has given Adrienna a copy of the book to review at AAMBC Chicago event, June 12, 2010.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Dream 4 More Firm allows you to order on the Dream Store: Back to School Sale until Labor Day!
Dream 4 More Firm allows you to order on the Dream Store: Back to School Sale until Labor Day!

Back to School Sale until Labor Day

Dream 4 More Firm allows you to order on the Dream Store:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Host with the Most

Never been done before:

Adrienna Turner show allowing Dream Summore to host and open to your questions live on the show...or send them in for those who are scared to ask live. September 4, 9pm CST. Get your copy of "Mirror, Beware!" today to give your comments, suggestions, and questions for the author. Share if you dare.

Dream Yours,
Adrienna Turner!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

BTR Interview w/ Janese Dixon's book: Black Diamond

Black Diamond by Ja'Nese Dixon. Nia ePublishing. 2010. Dream4More Rating: Sweet Dreams. 4 stars.

Ja'Nese Dixon's debut book is a romantic suspense and even saw it to be as a legal thriller. Camille takes us on a wild-goose chase to unlock the secrets and illegal acts, even murder, when taking on the case on international diamond trading. Ja'Nese pace can be slow in the beginning to be connected to the characters, breath-taking in the middle to end of the book, but you definitely want to finish until the very last sentence on the page. She keeps you intrigued to the very last part of the story--which reminds me of a thriller seen on TV with a happy ending and glimpse of the terror in the midst. Will there be a sequel?

Moreover, I like the valid points discussed in the book such as 'male bashing'; sibling rivalry between Camille and her brother that can play an important role in her FBI training and running this case solo in a setting with primarily male co-workers; black woman portraying a significant role in the corporate world; and able to detach her feelings to complete the case...and to fall in love and have a family of her own.

Dream 4 More Review,
Adrienna Turner

Listen to the archives when she appeared on the Adrienna Turner Show:

*The opinion of the reviewer does not reflect the opinions of Dream4More Firm. We received a copy of the book by the author for a book review and interview on our BTR showcase.

Dream 4 More Radio: August and September

August 1st: Dream 4 More presents "God is in the Equation-Step Out of the Closet and Walk into your Calling."

August 8th: Tywebbin presents Patricia Haley

August 15th: Tywebbin presents Shana Burton

August 22nd: Tywebbin presents H. Ronald Roseboro "Is there a Samson in You?"

August 29th: Tywebbin presents ReShonda Tate Billingsley

September 5th: Tywebbin presents Sherryle Jackson

September 12th: Tywebbin presents Aleysha Proctor

September 19th: Tywebbin presents LaShonda Michelle

September 26th: Tywebbin presents Chizelle Archie

We are still looking to fill dates in October, 2nd and 4th Sundays are for Dream Interviews with Dream Authors. We appreciate Tyora Moody with Tywebbin to bring such great authors and inspirational women and men!

We air on Sundays, 5pm Central Time, join us at Dream4More Radio. 347-989-0702. Authors call in 5-7 minutes prior to scheduled show since lines get full quickly and welcome to chat in our chatroom during live shows.

Dream 4 More,

Friday, July 16, 2010

Dream Summore, Get your Copy Now

Did you get your copy: Mirror, Beware by Dream Summore?

I'll have some copies can order through Dream4More Firm. Limited supply. Only $15, no shipping lasts until July 31st.

You can also send monies to PayPal ( We'll mail out by Saturdays!

Dream Yours,

Thursday, July 15, 2010

New Relationship Show; Singles

We have a poet, Nakia L. schedule on August 21st
for 20-30 min & then we'll look at adding in the second half of the show: "Singleness, Sex, and Selfless Relationships" with some tough

Do you want to be on the panel to discuss it? Email us at to be on the Adrienna Turner Show! 9pm
...Central Time, Saturdays.

August 14th is Secrets of Success; Why Authors Fail for only 15-30 minutes. Adrienna Turner Show. 9pm CST. 347-308-8612.

Join us: July 24, 31st on the Adrienna Turner show on Relationship Panel: Single, married, separated, and divorced.

Dream Yours,

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 2010 Reviews

It Ain't Just the Size by M.G. Hardie. 2010. Dream 4 More Rating: Sweet Dreams. 4 stars.

It Ain’t Just the Size kept my attention from start to finish with the combination of characters, personal issues and views on current events.

Lance has his hands full by being a positive example of a man that happens to be black and even through trials and tribulations. His journey takes you on a trip from undergoing a difficult parenting situation, a criminal background, and his education, his love for people, his friends, and the need for a soul mate.

This book has a host of characters that are so realistic that you can find yourself becoming a part of the family. There were so many areas covered in the story that is impossible to lose interest and some of the topics reach the reader in ways that seem so close to home and makes you feel like you’re a part of the cipher.

Although there is so many things introduced in this story, but the book avoids being confusing or overbearing. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants a combination of drama, education, and love.

Dream 4 More Reviewer,

Emmanuel Brown

* The opinions of the reviewer does not reflect the opinions of Dream 4 More Firm. We received a copy of the book from the author to write a book review.

The Truth As I See It by Nakia R. Lashaul. 2010. Serendipity Bound Books.

Nakia writes from the depths of her heart, passion, and previous experiences. She also speaks on legacies, happy and sad moments, and what roots are we spurting up (Tree). She has broken her poetry and prose in four sections: You and Me; Love; God; and Life. This shows she knows her purpose for writing and what areas God has placed in her heart and spirit to write.

“I Am Not Afraid” is a poem that speaks about generational fears and these ancestors past wearies us from carrying their burdens but its time to lay it to rest—not to be afraid anymore. We have to step into our destiny and not re-live their past burdens and curses; don’t let it carry over and put it to rest. Let it bury in the graves where they rest.

“To My Child” is about a mother’s love, ability to teach her child to love, build character, morals, confidence, and to shield them from evil.

“Divine Complements” is an explosive, dynamic and spirit-lead poem how two are inseparable and destined to be together; first these souls are born into the world to find each other in due time to spend eternity together. Can this poem be read at my wedding? I also will read “Love Unknown” to my future love.

Moreover, some poems are so passionate that explodes with profound language but doesn’t loose its flow and meaning. There are many inspirational and assertive poems that move you and enjoy for pleasurable reading. There a poem or two that I loved in each section. This is a must read and would love to have this woman on my future poetry show(s).

*The inevitable some books have, typos, that can happen from typesetting or eyes overlook sometimes. However, it doesn’t take away from the message itself.

Dream 4 More Reviews,

Adrienna Turner

*The opinions of the reviewer does not reflect the opinions of Dream 4 More Firm. We received a copy of the book from the author to write a book review and future interview/poetry spotlight.

If You Don't Tell by D.V. Hent. 2009. Naughty Ink Press.

DV Hent with his debut novel has created the wildest fantasies with his characters: Laela, Quinton, and Teniyah; as I can feel the agony, pain, and marriage not made in heaven with Simone's inner thoughts and do not want to be a coke-addict like her mother.

DV Hent, when I read Simone's character, must have studied the woman's anatomy, passion, and emotional side--since I can envision all her thoughts while reading on. I can see myself agreeing with her since I plan to marry and have children someday soon.

I think Laela is too south for me, over the edge, to try the unthinkable before marriage with Quinton and will see where this love-roller coaster-will take them all.

Do we have a new Eric Jerome Dickey, he is one writer that not only writes well; verbiage-usage; but also knows the essence of a woman!

Is there a sequel? There were some parts that were stretched and made the book long, but still good.

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner
4 stars: Sweet Dreams

Friday, July 2, 2010

Mirror Beware, get it today!

Did you get your copies of "Mirror, Beware" by Dream Summore and "Love Found Me" by Vanessa Richardson: both inspirational fiction writers under GSH Publishing. Dream Summore has contest going on until July 4th only! It has been going since end of May 2010. Ends in a couple days! Get your copy today:!

Ja'Nese Dixon's Black Diamond

She will be on Adrienna Turner Show:

black diamond,novel,Janese Dixon

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dream 4 More Firm

We still have a group on Facebook, unable to close it at this time. Join our group.

Latest topic on Relationship Panel 2:

We are seeking relationship experts, Christians, and those who write relationship books; romance books; and can articulate on this topic. We discuss from single, marriage, separation, and more. Check out our last one on

July 10: Vanessa Miller 9pm CST
July 17: Ja'Nese Dixon 9pm CST
July 24: Relationship Panel 2 8pm CST

Dream 4 More,

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dream 4 More News

We are in the process of seeking new reviewers. Sadly, we have lost our current reviewers who have been with us since August/September 2009. Therefore, once again, Adrienna Turner is the only reviewer at this time.

We have currently for June posted: "Help My Marriage, We Need It" by Pastors Carolyn and Michael Byd.

These books we have to review:

"Metra City: Destiny's Kiss" by Jaree Francis
"It Ain't Just the Size" by M.G. Hardie
"Appetizer When You're Not His Main Course" by Ni'Cola
"Piecing the Puzzle Together" by Brian Ganges
"If You Don't Tell" by D.V. Hent

Reading books to interview future author appearances on Adrienna Turner or Dream4More Radio showcases:

"This Ain't No Hearts and Flowers Love Story Part 2" Brooklyn Darkchild
"The Curly Headed Brother" poetry by E. Rupert
"Is There a Samson in You?" by H. Ronald Roseboro--set in August thru TyWebbin
"Once Life Matters" by Marty Angelo

Contest Win: Let's Go! by Shalonda "Treasure" Williams

*Will see a brief review only on (Dream4More Book Review) page.

Checked PO BOX today, no books. Thank goodness. We are still waiting for "Forgiven" by Vanessa Miller to interview her on July 10th, Saturday, 9pm CST. And we'll also talk about "Yesterdays Promise".

Dream 4 More,

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Female author of the year. Send new nomination, in nonfiction, self-published author for Adrienna Turner. thnx.
Female author of the year. Send new nomination, in nonfiction, self-published author for Adrienna Turner. thx.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Award Winning Author: Adrienna Turner

Adrienna Dionna Turner won "Female Author of the Year" for the book entitled "the Day Begins with Christ" on June 12, 2010 in Chicago, IL at the Marriot Hotel. Listen to Dream4More Radio: Female Author of The Year showcase for more details.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

June Reviews 2010

Help my Marriage: We Need It! Taking Your Marriage to Another Dimension. 2009. MCByrd Ministries Publishing. 112 pages.

Pastors Carolyn and Michael Byrd have written a book to target those who are considering marriage to learn the ins and outs of such a commitment, and those who are in an unhappy, unhealthy marriage that are seeking help before its too late.

As a single woman with plans for marriage, I see concepts and scenarios from the Bible that gives a brief explanation on a covenant vs. contract of a marriage. However, what sticks in my memory is how Boaz viewed Ruth--he did not focus on her beauty or what she'd offered but her commitment and covenant alongside with Naomi after the lost of their husbands. She could have ran off and found a new husband, but everything was lined up in God's timing.

These God-given words is not preachy but teaching applications where one can obtain the true significance of marriage as God views it (covenant). I took my time with this book and saturated every word and embraced every concept to see marriage for what God intended it to be--more than a wedding ceremony and ring. I thank God for this married couple and pastors for writing such a book for our day!

"When the Word and the Spirit unite together, it is the full manifestation of the power of God (p.98)."

Dream 4 More Reviewer,
Adrienna Turner
5 stars, Wooed Us Dream.

An Addict's Tale by Carlus Wilmot. 2006. 180 pages. Publish America.

Not quite sure how to contact this author but he mailed his book for potential interview (local author, Milwaukee, WI). One copy was sent, usually for interview. However, I will write a brief review.

An Addict's Tale is a collection of poems that has several sections from love and relationships, humor, Voices of Edgar Allan Poe, Dreams and Inspirational, and his own insight/life.

In the beginning section, there were many poems that relates to one's undying love for those he had relations with, family, and other sensual experiences were exposed. The title alone fooled me in believing it was about drug addiction but instead it dealt with addiction of one's genuine love.

The voice of Edgar Allan Poe, short and sweet poems but least interested in out of the entire book.

An Addict's Tale section shows the author's story in lyrical or poetic format from age 1-24 and exploring relationships, clubs, and drinking/drugs during this time span of his life.

Humor section, a majority of the poems I did not find humorous but surreal.

Dreams and Inspirational, most of these poems I did not see as inspirational except for two. I enjoyed "While in This Life" speaks on a greed, how it affects people, and can't undo unless you learn from your past mistakes and willing to allow healing to take place by turning to God. This is where you can find true repentance and live! A similar poem is "I Used To" that I loved the most out of all the poems in the book because is speaks on hopelessness, where life has no meaning but the formula is to trust in God with all we got (heart, soul, mind, and body). We are to look in the mirror, which is a reflection of you! What do you see? How can you change? Who do you love and believe in?

"A Desire to Sin", we desire to sin but only God can forgive us and change our perspective on our actions to become holy if you allow Him in.

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner
What a Dream! 3 stars.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Make a Dream Come True: Nominate!!!

The nominations process for 2010 starts on Monday, May 17, 2010, closes on Wednesday, June 30, 2010. PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THE CATEGORIES BELOW W/ THE NOMINEES NAMES & EMAIL IT TO

**Adrienna Turner for Self Published Author: Desire at Will;
**Adrienna Turner for Nonfiction: Desire at Will;
**Children's/Young Adult: Dream Summore: Mirror, Beware!

Get your copy on "Independence Day Sale"

Sunday, May 30, 2010

May Review

Strength Within: Surviving by the Grace of God. Kingdom Living Publishing. 2008. Rating: 3 stars. Dream 4 More Rating: What a Dream!

Roland takes the audience with his childhood memories, stern discipline, and how they were separated from his parents to live with his Aunt Rosa. We see how many families have to face the hardships of life and economical status, especially living in the city of Roosevelt, New York, a subdivision of Long Island. We see how a young boy takes write a letter to his mother’s past employer to help get her old job back but when his mother finds out, she chastises him. He was tired of his mother’s verbal and physical attacks against him and his brother, where he was willing to poison his mother by putting Lysol in the Kool-Aid. Parents need to be mindful how they discipline and chastise their children, does abuse get us anywhere? We are the examples; we mold our children by being the example in their lives. Instead, with abusive parents, we see children learn to lie to avoid another violent attack to their well-being or involved in fights at school to have a sense of belonging. Moreover, they grow up to believe that they will never succeed and God does not want the best for them. We have to be careful what we instill in our children and our methods for discipline. Is running away, the answer?

We see Roland ‘Tyler’ blaming himself for his parents’ deaths, especially his mother’s. He wants to know GOD, and learn about ‘faith’ but eventually he finds God and discovers the true meaning of faith. We all carry baggage, but what we do with our baggage is the ultimate question. Read the book to find out what Roland Tyler does with his past issues and baggage.

*There were some parts that may be quite boring but he is giving chronological reference and what he finds important to share in his memoir to show how he discovers the strength within regardless of his circumstances.

*This is the opinion of the reviewer that does not reflect the views of Dream 4 More Firm. We received a copy from the author for a book review.

Dream Reviewer,

Adrienna Turner

Friday, May 14, 2010

Stage Play: Are you Ready May 23 at Parklawn Assembly of God

See you at May 23rd "Are You Ready?" stage play. Get sale price of my books: poetry books: From the Depths ($15) and Half the Battle ($15) both together for $25, savings of $5.00. Spiritual books: Desire at Will ($12) and Day Begins with Christ ($20) both together for $25.00, savings $7.00. See U at Parklawn Assembly of God, 6pm CST, Sunday. Milwaukee, WI.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dream Summore Gift Card and More

We want to hear from you. Did you get your copy of "Mirror, Beware!" that is due May 31st/June 2010? Let us know who is your favorite character...share your ideas....

Mines are: Tatianna, Misty, and Toni...including Elaine (Toni's mom). If you want to see a new book in the Mirror Sagas, let me know...otherwise, it will end here. Tell me what you like most, like to see, and want to see more drama....your ideas will be used, then you will be added to acknowledgment page and can win a gift card $10.00 at restaurant of choice, especially if it is also in Milwaukee, WI like IHOP, Applebees, etc. if chosen. Leave your name and email to contact you if Dream Summore uses your idea!

You can leave on blog too: or email us at

Dream4More Firm,
*Sponsor for Dream Summore

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Dream 4 More Radio: Genre Based Show back tonight

We are speaking to nonfiction/memoir authors. Deborah Jackson, Carletta Washington, and your host, Adrienna Turner.

See you at 9pm CST/10pm EST.

Dream Yours,

December 2009 Reviews

Dream 4 More Reviews for December 2009:

Secret Betrayals by Harriet Wilson. CreateSpace (Amazon). 11/13/2009. $14.95. Rating: 4. Dream 4 More Rating: Sweet Dreams!
Secret Betrayals was a delight to read. I was able to read this book in one sitting as it was filled with twists and turns. At times, I was shaking my head because I could not believe the turn of events. This book had the perfect recipe for disaster and drama when a person mistakes lust for love and gets the two emotions confused. As human beings, we sometimes get love and lust confused and the characters of “Secret Betrayals” were no exception. The reader will probably recognize either a part of themselves or someone that they know while reading this book because it touches on real life situations. I could not stop reading this book and I look forward to reading more from Harriet.

Dream 4 More Reviews,

Tiffany Craig


Desire At Will by Adrienna Dionna Turner. Author House. 12/2/09. $11.99. Rating: 3. Dream 4 More Rating: What a Dream!

With the diligence of a scholarly researcher, Adrienna Turner has hit the bulls-eye when it comes to targeting those who are seeking understanding of God’s will. Scripture by scripture, Turner breaks down what we must do as believers to condition ourselves for alignment with the perfect will of the Lord. “Desire at Will” takes a common sense approach, commanding that we examine our own motives, behavior and obedience to the Word of God as we seek His blessings and presence in our lives.

The constant scriptural references and extensive information may be a bit overwhelming for someone looking for an easy read. However, “Desire at Will” is a selection that should definitely be added to the library of those who would enjoy a comprehensive biblical analysis.

Dream 4 More Reviewer,

Adrienne Adams


Love Found Me by Vanessa Richardson, GSH Publishing, 12/19/09, $15.00. Rating: 5. Dream 4 More Rating: Wooed Us.

Vanessa Richardson delivers an electrifying, undeniable love story between two people who do not believe it is happening immediately before their very eyes and their hearts beating at a rapid rate. Their first encounter speaks for itself.

We first meet Michael and his twin brother, Bryan, and see their agape love for one another regardless of their different lifestyles, paths, and personalities. Then, we see Shelia Lawton, who does not want to go back in the house of God with her best friend and colleague Rayna Peterson. These ladies met at college and remained friends since. We see Rayna go from graduating in Political Science/Pre-law major to wanting to become partner at Hudson, Fist, and Hudson law firm. Shelia majored in Sociology is now working as a Domestic Violence Counselor.

Vanessa captures the reader's attention from the Prologue, where you do not want to stop reading in one-sitting. I enjoyed reading every character in the book, also seeing love electrifying over the emotions and souls of the characters--where I can picture them in my mind as if it is a TV series on Lifetime. I cannot wait for the sequel. This is a must-read, especially if you love inspirational-suspense (or Christian Fiction, Contemporary Romance).

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner


Who Is He To You by Monique D. Mensah. Kisa Publishing. 2009. $15.00. Rating: 5. Dream 4 More Rating: Wooed Us!

Vivid detail and an equally titillating plot make ‘Who is He to You’ an absolute page turner. Monique D. Mensah’s writing is literary awesomeness. The story arouses a multitude of emotions as the lives of three ladies are intimately revealed, ultimately colliding to meet an unexpected end.

Dream 4 More Reviews,

Adrienne Adams


My Father, My Nazi by Lama Milkweed Augustine, PhD. Jones Harvest Publishing. 2009. $20.00. Rating: 5 stars. Dream 4 More Rating: Wooed Us!

My Father, My Nazi is an enriching and terrifying story to read. How can a man's loyalty to serve "beloved Fuhrer" be as sincere as it is to his family?

Lama Milkweed takes you inside of the mindset of Gerd Guggenheim, a Nazi regime, who serves under Adolf Hitler in Berlinisch (Berlin). Hitler plans to create a stronger Germany, finding loyal SS bodyguards to abide to his horrendous schemes. Gerd was a follower and enforcer under Hitler's laws since the age of 19 and married Greta at 16, because she was with child. This also was a time during National Socialism (Nazism), German political movement in 1920 accompanied by the National Socialist German Workers Party. We, the readers, see how these young men were enchanted under the supremacy of Adolf Hitler, "beloved Fuhrer".

Lama outlines the story of a dedicated-loyal Nazi that takes his family from the ruler-ship under Hitler, to relocate to America, because he could not handle the atrocities forced to perform and witnessed after the lines of his confession. We later see Gerd suffer from what most militant soldiers experience is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, where he was unable to see his realities vs. past war tactics when he was under Hitler's leadership. I was nearly in tears to see how Gerd was willing to take his own life because of his failures. We can relate to this notion whether we are ex-militants or not, with self-worth removed from our very souls--we feel useless and incapable beings to a point of suffering from suicidal thoughts. These historical accounts reads like a documentary-story.

If you like to read historical events and people, autobiographical accounts, and true stories, you will be pleased with this story.

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner


Rhythm Can't Keep Time: Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough. Deondriea Cantrice. GSH Publishing. $15.00 (U.S.)/$20.00 (Canada). Rating: 5. Dream 4 More Rating: Wooed Us.

It is funny how time flies when you're having fun, as we get inside the emotions of Sheridyn while she is getting-to-know Sterling. Besides the maybe-lies and drunk dates, Sheridyn has a sexual attraction for a fine black brother--Sterling. She is also getting over a first love, Rod, and wonder if Sterling is the real-deal, lovy-dovy, or just a rebound.

We see many women that are in-and-out of relationships. Deondriea weaved a relationship rendezvous until love finds you. It may not be the person you spent the most time with and with the hopes of being the one. There are some underlining subliminal messages too. This is not your ordinary romance book, it takes you into the mindset (or emotions) of most relationships today in a fiction-story piece.

I love these poetic lines from the book, "People can only love to the capacity at which they know, understand, or experience. Love is not a scale of orgasmic screams. Distinct rhythm, but there are only so many beats to a measure. Melodies are heartfelt and reach the soul, but every song has a timeless rhythm. Dance partners change as dances fade away because partners aren't promised, but the cadence of true love last forever." How deep is your love?

*This is the second publication under GSH Publishing. First publication was reviewed by Dream 4 More Reviews in Sept. 2009 under Outskirts Publishing.

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner

*This is the opinion of the reviewer, does not relate to the views or opinions of Dream 4 More Literary Consulting Firm. The book was received by the author to give a book review.

Dream 4 More Reviews: January 2010

Desire at Will by Adrienna Dionna Turner. 2009. Author House. $11.95. Rating: 4 stars. Dream 4 More Rating: Sweet Dreams!

This reviewer is always very skeptical of books that deal with religion because often times these books have a tone of being preachy and not informative. This was not the case with Desire at Will, Turner has masterfully created a cocoon around the reader that allows for whatever emotion that the reader feels yet provides reassurance that everything can and will be alright if you believe that the Supreme Being (no matter what you call him/her) will see you through. Congratulations to her for a welcome addition to the genre! I look forward to her future works that include biblical references and text.

Dream 4 More Reviews,

Tanya Bates

4 stars: Sweet Dreams!

The opinion of the reviewer does not reflect the views of Dream 4 More Lit. Cons. Firm. The author sent an gallery unbounded copy of the book for a review from Dream 4 More Reviews.

A Heart's Thoughts: Love Walk Meditations Series by Shalonda "Treasure" Williams. Lulu. $9.25. Rating: 4 stars. Dream 4 More Rating: Sweet Dreams!

Shalonda "Treasure" Williams writes a much needed and anticipated book in a meditation-devotional style. The author poses questions that we all have wondered or asked at some time or place, where she gives Scriptures, examples, and clarification on how to view these posing questions addressed from God's perspective (Holy Bible--His Word).

This book is also a conversational read, as Shalonda delivers a down-to-earth way to minister to everyone what God sees for their lives. She shares the depths of her soul (experiences) too.

There are a couple areas that spoke to me in volumes in her devotional read. She expounds on where blessings come from, not materialistic things such as a home, car, and wealth to name a few. Our divine blessings come at God's appointed time--to fulfill God's plan and to meet our necessities, not wants. She also defines the term "blessed" with following Scriptures for review. How the family values are diminished and when we refer to what "mama say/said" instead of the voice of God. Last, I love the section on fear in which shows that we do not trust God, He does not reside in us, and to stand in our rightful place with boldness (confidence) not fear. Shalom (peace)!

She also has a Scripture review section after each question posed and passages in reference to the question to see what God's Word says to you. She adds at the end of the book, 'study questions' to expound on our viewpoints.

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner
4 stars, Sweet Dreams!

The opinion of the reviewer does not reflect the views of Dream 4 More Lit. Cons. Firm. The author sent a copy of the book for a review from Dream 4 More Reviews.

Real Thoughts by N.S. Ugezene (You-gee-zee-nay). Lulu. ebook or paperback. August 2009. $16.00. Rating: 1.5/2 stars. Dream 4 More Reviews Rating: Okay Dream.

Real Thoughts by N.S. Ugezene discusses some controversial, political, and social issues and topics.

Under the impression this book will tailor to teens with the exception of vulgar language in some parts of the ebook. Some of the topics that I took from the ebook was players learn about the pleasures of relationships; political and religion viewpoints from the urban characters in the storyline; battling with obesity; technological communication tools; and rapper legends.

However, it was difficult to read the first chapter where it sets up the scene of a threesome or intimate scene to Sex Talk Q&A of a magazine article on sexual relationships and crisis. This train of thought for the author and the reader loses the flow of the story, concept delivered, and sequence of story ideas. Next chapter, I feel that it touches on the struggle with weight loss such as erratic diets that are not successful for the person over 200 lbs. In the ending of this chapter, I was not sure if it was sarcasm or a joke in this passage, "Don't let food be Lucifer" when facing the temptation of food.

There were minor editing issues or usage of slang, narrative voice was not strong since I did not realize who was "I" until nearly third of the book to determine it was "Pascal" speaking in the narration.

Overall, N.S. Ugezene has taken the challenge to touch on these controversial issues in Real Thoughts, however, the delivery or his style of writing can confuse, loose his reading audience. I am not convinced he drawn out these 21st Century issues to keep the reader engaged.

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner
1.5/2 stars: Okay Dream!

The opinion of the reviewer does not reflect the views of Dream 4 More Literary Consulting Firm. The author has provided an unbounded copy, e-book version for a free of charge review with Dream 4 More Reviews.

Beautiful by Kiexiza Rodriquez. Family Gifts and Creations. 2006. $unknown. Purchase on Rating: 2. Dream 4 More Rating: Okay Dream.

Beautiful captures the hip-hop generation with a materialistic business woman, Tierra "Ti'". She works for Baxwell Enterprisez and handled various accounts from music, media, entertainment, real estate, and other business venues. She has made a turn for the worldly pleasures such as drinking, living lavishly, and dismissed church/God. She goes to wait on Qu, and gets a touch of the Holy Spirit, then gramma (grandma) gets on her case about God and quit blaming the devil for her hell.

We see a woman who wants to loose her faith when things does not go her way, with reminders from her family. Lesson: We can give up on God, but he does not give up on us.

*Minor editing issues. The story was slow in the beginning, but had some valid points about where you spend your time and energy--go back to the Source. Some of the transitions, characters, and events did not flow well for me, not concrete and can visualize yourself in their shoes. You can bind to Tierra out of all the characters, especially the preaching episodes and thought-processes about returning to God.

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner
2 stars, Okay Dream.

*The opinion of the reviewer does not reflect Dream 4 More Literary Consulting Firm. We received a copy of the book from the author for a review.

Lama Milkweed Augustine, PhD. The Electric Chair: Journals of H.H. The Most Ven. Lama Ripoche Milkweed L. Augustine. Jones Harvest Publishing. $25.00. 2008. Rating: 5 stars. Dream 4 More Rating: Wooed Us!

Lama Milkweed Augustine attributes consist of letters, journal writings and testimonials, drawings, actual photos of present and older models of electric chairs, poetry, letters to Senators (and House of Representatives on the Death-Crime Bill) in Massachusetts, and other philanthropist acts to provide arts for Florida prisoners before their execution dates arrives.

With the journal entries and testimonials, Milkweed provides accurate facts and descriptions of the actual acts of the electric chair. She also gives historical, social, and political evidence to these horrific death penalties and those on death row. Death row is someone waiting to die during their prison term. She tells us of the first dated prisoner who died by the electric chair, William Kelmer, in 1890 noted in the United States in New York city. She also elaborates on other unimaginable terrors and hideous acts throughout our U.S. history such as the brutal acts forced on innocent people who were considered as outcasts, did not abide to the English or American governments, and laws, witches, and slaves. Most of this was done by their own ignorance, prejudice, selfish motives, and rulership (whoever was in power).

Moreover, Lama has a heart for the condemned, those called to die and undergoing great pain. She can relate due to her own medical condition, where she also shares these dreadful testimonies. She states that we can be prisoners without the steel bars due to our own isolations from society, people, and unholiness methods.

This book is resourceful in history, social-economic, literature, and criminal justice classes.

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner
5 stars: Wooed Us!

*The opinions of the reviewer does not reflect the views of Dream 4 More Literary Consulting Firm. The author has sent a book to review from Dream 4 More Reviews.

Dream 4 More Reviews: February 2010

Beautiful Ugly by Shelia E. Lipsey. Urban Christian Books. $15.00. Rating: 4. Dream 4 More Rating: Sweet Dreams. 2.14.10.

My Book Review
In Beautiful Ugly, Sheila Lipsey delivers a soul searching, thought provoking, and inspirational story.

Kacie Mayweather is a single mother of six who finds herself pregnant again. Kacie’s desire to find love and be loved leads her to doing less than savory things. Hurt can make a person do things that they normally would not do.

Envy Wilson is beautiful and successful. Yet a secret from her past makes her feel anything but beautiful. It is hard to feel beautiful; and be accepting of true love, when one feels ugly on the inside.

Layla Hobbs has an issue with her weight. She struggles to find strength to mentally change her negative way of thinking, that she could never lose weight, nor be beautiful. An unexpected tragedy will cause a change both in Layla’s body, mind, and soul.

Sheila Lipsey captured the essence of true friendship in Beautiful Ugly; true friendship endures the testing of time, trials, and truths! A true friend with decorum and affection--- tells it like it is. The ladies will deal with their insecurities-- and each other; while keeping God in the midst of them. This was a heartfelt and inspirational read; the ending had me wanting more. This was a delightful read!

Dream 4 More Reviews,

Vanessa Richardson

* This is the opinion of the reviewer in which it does not reflect any views of Dream 4 More Literary Consulting Firm. Dream 4 More Reviews has received a copy of the book from the author for a review.

Even Numbers by Barbara Grovner. Rating: 4.5 (5 stars). Dream 4 More Rating: Sweet Dreams/Wooed Us Dream! 2.4.10

This is a great, debut novel by Barbara Grovner. She has taken the delicate issue of pedophilia and child abuse and how a mother turns a blind eye to the entire situation. This book gives a chilling account how man can be so deceptive and cunning to get what he wants, which are young girls. In this story, Dominga truly thinks James is the perfect man for her, so she ignores the warning signs that he is more interested in her young daughter.

This is a short, quick read book. I believe this is a book that all parents (especially single mothers with daughters) should read along with their children. And, this book should be discussed with each other in a frank, open conversation. Grovner sheds light on an issue that only gets discussed when it is too late and the damage is already done.

I would highly recommend this book to others. I look forward to reading what Barbara Grovner will write next.

Dream 4 More Reviewer,

Tiffany M. Craig

* This is the opinion of the reviewer in which it does not reflect any views of Dream 4 More Literary Consulting Firm. Dream 4 More Reviews has received a copy of the book from the author for a review.

The Gate Keeper by C. Alease. CreateSpace. $19.99. Rating: 5 stars. Dream 4 More Rating: Wooed Us Dream!

This is an impressive debut novel! In “The Gatekeeper” C. Alease writes a riveting, believing, and heartfelt story dealing with a mental disorder. I was very impressed with C. Alease writing style, which is mature and refreshingly thought-provoking. This novel is themed and character driven, even still the story is easy to read; as each character’s personalities are understood and are climactic. The Gate Keeper takes us on a journey of women dealing with dissociative personality disorder.

"The Gatekeeper" opens up with the main character seeking counseling for her young son. The tables suddenly turn; as she discovers that it is she who would need counseling. This is where the journey of self-discovery and lessons learned begins. One of the many lessons is deciphering between what is real and what is not real. C. Alease, brilliantly reveals the “why of,” these characters existence; as their presence stems from repressed events, that had or has happen in the protagonists life. I would certainly love to read her next release.

Dream 4 More Reviewer,

Vanessa Richardson

* This is the opinion of the reviewer in which it does not reflect any views of Dream 4 More Literary Consulting Firm. Dream 4 More Reviews has received a copy of the book from the author for a review.

Don't Say Do If You Don't by Charles J. Burgess. 2009. Underground Publications. $12.00. Rating; 3 Stars. Dream 4 More Rating: What a Dream!

Charles Burgess writes a story from the character Chris Jordan's outlook on his career, marriage, and secret motive--cheating. We see how a man can have it all--beautiful and successful or brilliant wife (who is a nurse); great family; and entrepreneur who start his own mortgage company. Yet, does this truly make him happy and satisfied? On the outside, it appears he has the perfect wife and life, but on the surface he still finds himself lurking for a piece of sunshine. Then, we get into the mindset and ambitions of Tiffany Roby who is into real estate from Detroit that sets her eyes on Milwaukee and a married man she knows was suppose to be a one-night affair.

Charles writing style for Urban Fiction is well-written as far as not gritty or too erotic is concerned. He also has morals that were clearly identified throughout the novel.

However, there are some minor issues such as long sentences (run-ons), development of the characters, narrative voice (first person) was confusing at times, and transitions of the scenes (pace). The pace is fast in some areas where I realized I was somewhere else without a certain flow, yet there is no action or suspense to move so sudden. Be mindful of POV. I had to read a few sentences or passages to realize who I was actually reading via character.

Dream 4 More Reviews,

Adrienna Turner

3 stars: What a Dream!

*This is the opinion of the reviewer in which it does not reflect any views of Dream 4 More Literary Consulting Firm. Dream 4 More Reviews has received a copy of the book from the author for a book review.

Dream 4 More Reviews: April 2010

Yesterday's Promise. Vanessa Miller. Rating: 3.5/4 stars. Dream 4 More Rating: Sweet Dreams. 4.24.10.

This is a different style of writing for Vanessa, in comparison to the Rain and Storm series that I loved so dearly since it covered "redemption" and anyone can turn their lives over to God.

In Yesterday's Promise, speaks about two people stubbornness, where Melinda helps her father, Bishop Johnson, mega-church ministry and expects to be next in line to lead the flock but sees it was passed on to her ex-fiance, Bishop Steve Marks. Steve Marks believes he can rekindle his love and ask a second time for the hand of Melinda Johnson in marriage. But his stubbornness is believing from listening to his father that women cannot minister in the church. I like some of the passages delivered in the book about why women are in ministry and the other views that have disregarded women to lead the flock in the congregation--to be silent in the church based on Paul's perspective in the Word of God.

We will see if they can mend their past hurts, love, and stay in the will of God regardless of their views of one another or beliefs. Can they re-commit their love-relationship for one another after they see the light of God's views on women in ministry.

*She will be on April 25, Sunday, 5pm CST.

Dream4More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner

*This is the opinion of the reviewer that does not reflect the views of Dream 4 More Firm. We received a copy from the publisher for a book review and interview with the author.

Adverse Intentions. Cher-Rhonda Woodard-Lynk. $11.95. Rating: 2.5/3 stars. Dream 4 More Rating: What a Dream! 4.15.10.

This is the second saga of the collection written by Cher-Rhonda Woodard-Lynk. With this book, it starts out with suspense and wonder what is going to happen with Eric, Angelique's past lover and becomes obsessed with her after it is over. What leaves me, why is he so obsessed in which the story never really tells us. Maybe more will be told in book 3, "Vanessa's Revenge."

Overall, I felt the story was rushed, parts undefined and empty (e.g. Tremel passing out and then characters speak of her death without setting the scene; or Tremel loses blood, medical condition, saves the baby and days later she passes out...dead. Did she have a C-section; natural birth, other?). Yet, I like some of the suspense scenes but execution left me clueless in some areas--should not be rushed and developed more.

The book is shorter than the previous book too. It is best to read the first book in order to see characters developed and understand relationships; otherwise, readers may be lost on who are some of the characters and even those added in this book where I had to re-read to make sure Lance and Vortex were not the same people at first.

2.5/3 stars.

Dream4More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner

*The opinions of the reviewer does not reflect the views of Dream 4 More Firm. We received a copy from the author to provide a review.

The Littlest Donkey. Gail G. Faust. Illustrator: Tanya Bungardt-Price. $12.00. Rating: 4.5/5 stars. Dream 4 More Rating: Wooed Us Dream! 4.10.10.

I enjoyed reading the children's book, "The Littlest Donkey", when at first it reminded me of the Engine who could, where the little engine said, "I Think I can I think I can". This is the part when the mother donkey told her little donkey that he could and will be somebody that will be remembered by all men. At first, Sarah (mother donkey) did not believe she could have a child in her old age. We believe we cannot do things, it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. This story delivered so many messages and morals for our young people to grasp and understand. One, we need to believe we can, and with God--it is possible. We should not look at size since we are created for purpose and have greatness in each one of us. Little Donkey looked at his size and was seeking approval from others but instead was laughed at. But God sees the best in us. Little Donkey prayed not to be sold. We later see that prayers avails much since he was not sold, only borrowed for a short time in which he was remembered by all men for eternity because the man of God rode on his back. What a glorious moment! He was also never ridiculed again, even was honored and those who laughed bowed to him. He was chosen for a purpose. This is the ultimate lesson--we are all created for purpose.

While working in the library, I was thinking of writing a children's book to minister to our youth, whom we are losing today to media, TV, radio, and fashion. I was honored to see the artistic illustration by Tanja Bungardt and see the message of God's Word delivered in a children's book that was written by Gail G. Faust--which was my prayer after looking at the pictorial books that our children are reading. They have the lesson but not from a godly perspective. I wanted to write a book to demonstrate God's love and purpose of which this book delivered both! This is a book all parents should have in their library for their children to read, or to read to their children. I am blessed to add this book to my reading collection.

Recommended for ages 8-10 for reading purposes, younger children can be exposed to the book if read by their parents or guardians.

Dream 4 More Reviews,
Adrienna Turner

*The opinions of the reviewer does not reflect the views of Dream 4 More Firm. We received a copy from the publisher to provide a review at no charge.

Lust of a Dope Fiend. Jerome Livingston. $10.00. Rating: 2.5/3 stars. Dream 4 More Rating: What a Dream! 4.7.10.

While reading, “Lust of a Dope Fiend”, we see how a man has once cursed God after his mother’s death and later will find God (spiritual awakening). He once lived in a Christian-home and background, but he started getting high at a very young age with friends. He was also rebellious child since the age of six. What would you do for a taste of heroin? You will discover the answer as you read this book. He also experimented with different methods to get high. Later, one believes that Jerome changed his life after being sent to Job Corp to get his life back on track and raise a family. Ironically, one would never think that man-rape would happen in Job Corps but expected to occur in jail/prison. Yet, he defeats a rape-threat in Job Corp but meets up with this dude in jail later. He constantly turns back to drugs without any clarifications or realization, only to fulfill the lust of the flesh—craving to get another high whether it is ‘reefer’ (old school term), ‘cocaine’, or ‘heroin’.

Moreover, I felt the story skipped to different characters and scenes from time to time. The ending, was just one sentence about ‘spiritual awakening’ and no indication—why, how, and what will happen next. Throughout the book, we read about his life experiences and drug-use and even spending time in jail but when we get to his spiritual enlightenment…only words and nothing more. Maybe, this is for another memoir to speak more on this notion. In addition, there were typographical errors such as the word, ‘vain’ used instead of the word, ‘vein’. There was also some grammatical and punctuation issues in the book. When he was speaking or a person was speaking, there were no quotes (“”) used.

Dream Reviewer,

Adrienna Turner

*This is the opinion of the reviewer that does not reflect to any views of Dream 4 More Firm. We received a copy from the author for a book review to be posted on site and sent to author (not available on Amazon).


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