Iyanla Vanzant teaches so many life lessons by sharing her own experiences in her latest book, "Peace from Broken Pieces" and will share some that derived from the book during a reading. I have not completed it, but want to share some of these passages (author's paraphrased).
"realized...the right place, the right time, doing the wrong thing." p. 106. How many of us feel that we have divine connections such as meeting the right people, to get us on the right path, and at the right time but feel something is missing? I honed on this passage since I feel like I did all the right things, at the right place, and at the right time but feel maybe I chose the wrong career path. I went to college when there were scholarships available; when school was not as expensive as it is today and met the right people to do what I needed to do. But some will say, due to my unemployment recessions that maybe I chose the wrong field. However, I feel God will direct our path when we seek Him in the decision-making process and this is what I've been doing with every step I've taken. Yet, at other times, I did things that appeared good and felt right. We need to quit basing on our emotions and seek YHWH. Therefore, I do not regret anything that I've done but seek YHWH for the dreams and visions for my life. My Pastor Lori Wilke spoke last night (Wednesday, February 23rd in last School of Ministry session) that God will put pictures (or dreams and visions) in our minds. We have to be mindful whether we allow negative or positive images in our minds.
Another valuable lesson that I took from the book so far, she followed pattens also an extension from family curses or generational that passed in her lineage too. She also had a pattern in relationships: meet a man, sleep with a man, fall in love with that man, and get dissed by the man. She was able to learn from these transitions and failed relationships and finally walked into her calling or destiny for life. We can all think about the cycles we keep following and break those negative patterns. We have to get to the root of the problem.
Moreover, she mentions about 'contaminating words' can make us feel like we are never good enough. She compared herself to spiritual leaders who were successful when she was not at the time. We should not compare ourselves to others (2 Cor. 10:12). We have to quit comparing to their livelihood, public acclaim, status, experience, education, and so forth. I've even done the same thing when YHWH told me to write "The Day Begins with Christ" where I looked at my credibility and authority such as theology degrees, ministry background (experience), and so forth but God knew I could do so because He said so. We need to stop comparing and competing and meeting God where He is and know that we are the qualified vessels to complete the goal He assigned us to accomplish.
For her career path, she was busy, classes filled when she done workshops, but was still broke. I can relate to this notion when I've been on radio, now TV, and other online appearances but not a book sale or business is very slow. Yet, I am busy but broke. This is not in the equation. Or as we say, "It doesn't add up." Therefore, Iyanla speaks on page 115 that she loved what she did and a time of prosperity would come. How many of us said this line too! My time will come. She even opened to a broader audience, not just black women and men as she previous did. She made so many accomplishments from a welfare mom to completing law school and then doctoral degree in Religion, from writing her books to become a popular speaker-teacher with great cash advances, and still didn't feel complete.
"Your personal lie circulates throughout your entire being and determines how you move." p. 117 She explains how we have to look at our internal landscape (that I would say "internal makeup") which are our perceptions and misconceptions about life to fit in the scheme of things. What is our 'core' beliefs? What are we speaking aloud? We can either speak life or death in our situations. As my Pastor Lori Wilke said in Wednesday service, we speak curses by the words we say. We need to stop speaking negative things (e.g. I can't find work or can't get a job, no one will hire me, I will never amount to anything, I will never be successful, or I'm stupid to let this happen again). Check your mouth: think before you speak! I have been practicing this lately too. I've also been speaking the promising scriptures to keep pressing through the hardships. "God will supply all my needs." "He will not forsake me or leave me." "He will direct my path." These are some examples to stay encouraged! What are you saying....or keep playing with your destiny.
Adrienna Turner, award-winning author of "The Day Begins with Christ" and next release is "God is in the Equation."
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