Camille Alexander and the Golden Period Violin is a first book in the
novella series. The pace moves rather quickly, minimal conflict between
the characters, and issues resolved without any substantial verbal
altercations or physical contact, which for some readers can seem a bit
odd based on the circumstances. Yet the storytelling reminds me of a
Disney special where Cami received a prized-possession from her parents
while they were on a business vacation. Unfortunately, her parents
return flight ended in a plane crash and Cami only had this golden
period violin as an inheritance from them. Therefore, Cami cherished
this 1713 Strad violin and she remarkably flourished greatly as a
skilled or talented violinist that desired to pursue her dream-goal by
attending one of the most prestigious schools with great hopes of
obtaining a full scholarship to Ken-Khort in New York. She fosters a
not-so-healthy relationship with Jackson but there is a Boaz in the
making that clearly wants to protect her and sell everything to be with
her, and this Boaz is a close-friend and teacher, Jim.
Although I
felt the story and romance moved quite abruptly and rapidly, I also
noticed the dialogue primarily tells the story and story movement
relying on a narrative voice instead of the story flowing naturally by
building the scenes/chapters or showing instead of telling through
character development.
However, the strengths of the story was
the confidence that prevailed the years of violin training and
experience Cami developed over time, and boldly believing in her dream
and talent regardless of the critics. The love interest was expected,
which the story ended on a positive note. I love to see people pursue
their dreams and overcoming their fears or obstacles. The main character
also was advised to focus on her talent, not her prized-possession—the
violin. Her skill didn’t rely on having her possession but believing in
herself and that she could play regardless of who the violin belonged
The story did leave me with a thought-provoking question:
Are there still problems for interracial couples in the South
(Mississippi)? I guess I will have to find out in book 2 of the novella
I received a complimentary eBook copy from the author for an honest review.
Dream 4 More Reviewer,
Adrienna Turner
Sweet Dreams