My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Thomas Jefferson Pimped has three books in one which all refer to the curse of Ham. Book 1 has ghostly transitions taking place in the Alley, mystical place where superstition and ancestors connect to the young painter’s mind. Moreover, the Oracle allows him to see each person’s souls. Gamma Emma argues how Caucasians have replaced the Black Jesus who was crucified on the fake white copy one for their own selfish greed, where it justified their cruelty done to African slaves while explaining it to the young painter—main character of every book, Juda Stash. These slave owners trusted and used the Bible for their greedy ill-gotten gains, blasphemous accounts to enslave African men and women from their lands by justifying this as their inheritance. This is the first explanation I’ve ever read for the past accounts of our predecessors. Book 2 gives a broader visualization of what’s going on for the main character but as shown in the first book, overload of dialogue with historical, theological facts based on Egyptian, Hebraic, Judaism, and other religious beliefs. There are also mythologies to give the reader a spiritual awakening as well as political, which acclaims the Bible stole concepts from Black Egyptians spiritual texts. I wondered if there is a separation among the Egyptian race: White versus Black Egyptians. Book 3 focused on Juda leaving the Ville in St. Louis to attending St. Katharine Drexel College in New Orleans and then the Air Force while facing racial slurs and incidents that he had to undergo; including a connection to the traces of Ham’s curse that still ties into slavery in the 21st century. In this book was less dialogue with historical-theological concepts and was drawn out into narration of which also connected to the synopsis or blurb on the back of the book. Finally, the title about Thomas Jefferson pimped his own slave children to do his bidding and gain wealth on his plantation, as well as being part of the Declaration of Independence but later Andrew Jackson took on some of his concepts in his reign as a presidential candidate. Moreover, this book argues the Bible is the formula for sacred loathing and where Scribes like Ezra was the master magician of deception (including others) to condemn Blacks to a lifetime of manic depressions and walking death in relation to the unworthy sons of Ham, the Black race, and the cursed (p. 152).
The books were well-written, hardly any typographical issues in 421 pages, but strongly believe it needed developmental editing with transitions. As a writer/author, reader, and reviewer, I prefer to see the book split into two separate books instead of combination of three books in one. One book should have all the historical, theological, mythologies insight in an orderly manner for African history (or Africology classes in college), Egyptian mythology, and other religion courses or readers with another title, or can use this catchy title but with more correlation to Thomas Jefferson using slaves for his ill-gotten gains. The other book will only focus on the storyline with minimal mythologies and historical-theologian concepts but stick to the mystical and Vodun mysteries with the characters like Juda, Gamma Emma, etc. with the title (subtitle of book already): Vodun Strikes Back. Additionally, the author can focus on the evil spirits that feeds on Black blood, where the curse pays homage to the demon in the slave trade. Some good examples of past books I’ve reviewed are One Blood by Qwantu Amaru, Antebellum by R. Kayeen Thomas, Kindred by Octavia Butler, and Resurrection of Nat Turner by Sharon Ewell Foster. These books were able to show current day, or combination of history, slavery, and street literature without jamming too much narration or dialogue telling the reader of historical-theological concepts.
The sexual scenes introduced in the book doesn’t have much substance and at times wondered how it came about, which each characters has enormous private body parts which doesn’t seem rational to me. Yet, this is all taking place in the superego of Juda. There were passages I questioned if it was factual or fiction in relation to the Egyptian, Hebraic, Jewish, and Muslim-related content. However, it was captivating and intriguing of which I underlined and questioned as a whole. The author definitely challenged my intellect on historical versus theological events taking place throughout past and present. It also reminds the reader of political gain and power of White predecessors banking their wealth on the backs of slaves’ and why some West Africans were connected in the Slave Trade among the Spanish and English captors.
The author provided a complimentary copy for a book review.
Dream 4 More Reviewer,
Adrienna Turner
Dream Rating: Okay Dream.
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