Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Michelle Larks join us on Dream4More Radio

Mark your calendars: we have Michelle Larks for a book discussion interview on Dream4More Radio on August 14, 2011. We'll send updates soon. Get your copy today and readers are welcome to come and ask questions or discuss the best parts of the book with the author live on the line. She will also do a 5 minute reading for us on the line. You don't want to miss this Christian Fiction author.

Listen online: www.blogtalkradio.com/Dream4MoreRadio
Or call: 347-989-0702
Soar 4 Your Encore. Details at www.dream4more.webs.com (Dream 4 More Radio), radio slots are still open for August and beyond.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Unleashing the Spirit, Volume 1

God is working on me to get "Unleashing the Spirit" ready for lessons in August on Dream Yours Midnight Hour. You can follow the lessons with me soon. I'm preparing ebook version copies now that will be sold only through Adrienna Turner Page (www.adriennaturner.webs.com), Dream Your Reality Prophecies (http://dreamyourreality.webs.com/.../), or Dream Store at www.dream4more.webs.com. Or you can send an email to ad-turner@hotmail.com (personal account) or dreamyourrealityprophecies@gmail.com to get your copy soon for $5.99.

If you're not into online ordering, you can mail a payment of $5.00 (avoid Paypal fee of $0.99) to Adrienna Turner, PO BOX 240803, Milwaukee, WI 53224. Volume 1 will be ready by June 30th. Volume 2 shortly after. Volume 3 by August.

When you mail payment, please include a cover letter with your name, email, and number of copies. You can include your phone number to contact you too. We need an email address with payment to send your copy immediately.

Lesson one: Worldliness (August) in Volume 1.

We are not only studying the Bible, but what is going on right now on this earth. God is ready for me to release it and will do it ebook version only at this time.

Lessons given on Dream Yours Midnight Hour (www.talkshoe.com/tc/91725) or call 724-444-7444 pincode: 91725# press 1#. Fridays.

(It already has the moment of reflection testimonies and journal included in the volumes).


Adrienna Turner's Contributor Profile - Associated Content
