Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Who Will You Serve?

While working in the library, I came across some books that had me questioning who people are serving or believing in. Therefore, I will do the research in May (or late April) and read these books. I will work on a new book entitled, "Who Will You Serve?" that would be like a part 2 to "Desire at Will". There are too many world religions but will focus on the ones I see people involved in and some that are not discussed in my "Unleashing the Spirit" Volumes. Keep me in prayer.

I am also thinking in May on Dream4More Radio to do a literary moment: religion and spirituality (books we read and believe or trust in).

These are some of them discussed:
--pagan today
--New Thought (even with African Americans)
--New Age Spirituality

(also will look at African beliefs including Hoodoo and Voodoo with Catholic religious beliefs; Native American/nature; and more).

Share your thoughts. I have the intro already written while working today! God is good....

Dream 4 More,

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Adrienna Turner Show

We would like to let you know that Adrienna Turner Show will resume at 9:00 p.m. starting April 10, 2010. We have a list of authors, genre-based books, that will speak about their latest book.

Review here:

We have considered going back to our 2008/2009 time of 10 p.m. Central Time but have been considerate of those on the Eastern Time Zone. We started as of November 2009 with 8:00 p.m. time that has not been successful for us to have live listeners on the showcases, therefore, we are resuming to 9 p.m. Central Time.

We normally come on every Saturday and some are canceled due to other engagements such as stage play productions held on Saturday nights. We will try to come on at least 2-3 times a month. Leave your comments.

We thank you for nominating and voting for the Adrienna Turner Show. We hope you have checked out our Dream4More Radio too on BlogTalkRadio. We may cancel this network if we do not hear from you. We are looking at August/September to make our decision whether we will make it until November 2010 (which will make a year).

Dream 4 More,


Friday, March 26, 2010


Dream4More Radio will make its 6-month mark on May 1, 2010. We will start doing 2 shows instead of 4-5 shows a month. We are on Sundays at 5:00 p.m. Central Time.

Previously, we were on 4 shows a month (every Sunday):
*Dream 4 More Now (1st week)
*Dream Reviews (2nd week) --removed this show
*Literary Moments : panel discussions (3rd week)
*Dream Interviews with Dream Authors (4th week)

We will ask those who have listened to the previous programs to tell us which shows you enjoyed and why.

We are looking at continuing:
*Dream4More Now (speak about literary news, dream reviews/BOM, words of wisdom, and more; special showcases)
*Literary Moments (panel discussions) or Dream Interviews w/Dream Authors (2 authors per showcase)

You can email your comments via BlogTalkRadio ( or

We have scheduled:
*March 28th, Sunday, 5pm-6pm CST: Iris Celeste (Christian Fiction) and Niobia Bryant (Urban Fiction)
*April 11th: Dream Your Reality Club (talk about how readers and writers can unite; panel discussion to see what readers are reading and writings are writers)
*Literary Moments: Royalties, Scams, Consignments, Bookstores (lets talk about it!)--
*Dream Interviews w/Dream Authors: Cherilyn Vonn and Vanessa Miller

Lastly, we are seeking co-hosts (1-2). We ask you to have an account with BTR, interact in the chat room, and to assist with switchboard duties...research and questions for interviews or topics at hand. Familiarity with literary market and authors. Great personality for radio. Public Speaking and interact w/ guests during the shows. Ideas are welcomed. Commitment to come on shows at least 5 minutes early and sometimes required to start the shows or program. Serious inquiries only. Email us at We would like a short bio (5 sentences or less), why are you interested, and BTR page. Please include your phone number and/or email to contact you.

Dream 4 More Now,

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dream 4 More Radio: Genre-Based Show with Authors!

4/10/10: Urban Fiction/Contemporary Authors
1. Mary Wilson "Ghetto Luv" and "Still Ghetto"
2.Jay Francis "Metra City: Destiny's Kiss"
3. N.S. Ugezene "Shaun Pascal"

4/17/10: Romance Authors
1. Ann Clay "A Love for All Times"
2. DV Hent "If You Don't Tell"
3. Desiree Day "Spiritual Seduction"

5/8/10: Nonfiction/Memoirs Authors
1. Sharon Ellis "Seeing the Liberty" (TBA)
2. Carletta Washing "A Mother's Reflection"
3. Vanessa Richardson "The Certain Ones"

5/22/10: Inspirational (nonfiction and fiction)/Christian Fiction
1. Jackie Moore "Serving Justice" Christian Fiction
2. Vanessa Richardson "Love Found Me"
3. Brian Ganges (Gan-gees) "Piecing the Puzzle Together"

5/29/10: Youth Adult Authors
1. Dream Summore "Mirror, Beware!" YA/Inspirational Drama
2. Edward Booker "Caught in the Net"
3. Lydia Douglas "Reading Higher Heights"

6/28/10: Science Fiction/Literary Fiction Authors
1. Stanley Pitchford "Destruction Via the Mirror"
2. Open
3. Open

*We hope to have future dates in other genres in July-September 2010. Let us know what genre(s) you would like to see coming soon! Email us at If you want to fill a spot, email us quickly. This is on the 2010 nominated literary talk show: Adrienna Turner Show on BTR:

Time to be announced. We are looking at 9pm CST. Keep you posted.

Dream 4 More Radio on April 11th

We would like to do a show on April 11th on Dream4More Radio: Dream Your Reality Club to see how readers & writers can unite. We want to hear from both writers & readers and discuss what makes us read, who we like to read, and why! Are we those readers once we read an author's book, do we want to read every book they write first before reading anything else. Or do we go through phases where we only read a certain genre during a period of time? We want to know also what makes you write...who are you writing for, etc.

I would love to hear you on this upcoming show. You can listen online at or call in to discuss 347-989-0702. I am both a writer and reader!

Time: 5pm CST, Sunday, April 11th.

Dream Yours,
*Also check listings for upcoming shows on Adrienna Turner Show at (we are starting an author-genre specialty shows in April through June and will start up again in July up to September if it goes well.


Adrienna Turner's Contributor Profile - Associated Content
