Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Living Your Dream Now

What are you waiting on before you start living your dream? You keep saying, as soon as I finish school I’m going to go after my dream. As soon as I raise the kids, I’m going to pursue my dreams. As soon as I retire, I'm going to live my dreams. As soon as I get rid of this no good spouse, I’m going to start living my dream. As soon as I clean up my act, I am going to start living my dream. You know what I say about all of that? I say, it’s not enough. There is no excuse for any of us living and breathing on this earth to put off pursing, chasing down, running down, the dreams that God Himself has placed in our hearts.
So what if things aren’t going well right now?

So what if they saw we’re in a recession. God’s word says, "If the LORD delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand. He continues by saying, “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread (Psalm 35:23-25 NIV).” Oh my goodness, how much more plain can God be?

What will it take for you to grasp hold to the fact that God will take care of you. God wants to see His people succeed. God wants us not to just survive in this life, but He wants us to thrive! God says it plainly again in Jeremiah 29 chapter and verse 11, “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. He wants you and me to have a great future! He wants us to prosper. He wants us to know that we have hope and a future. That’s what God desires for His people. Therefore, we have no excuse. I don’t care how many hours you work on your job; or how many times you run into something that tries to block your way toward moving forward with the dreams He’s placed within you. God is the one who we must rely on if we expect to live our dreams now. God is the only one who can bring our dreams to pass. God is! He is all in all.

I dare you to step out on faith and live your dreams now. If you place your trust and faith in God, I guarantee you that He will make room for your gift. I guarantee you that God will open doors for you that no man can close. He will close doors for you that no man can open. The God I serve, right now, right this very moment, is behind closed doors working things out on my behalf. He loves me and He loves you. Don’t start talking about things like, ‘but you don’t know how bad I’ve messed up’. Lay that mess aside, all those excuses that the enemy cooks up in your mind. Remember that God’s love is unconditional. God’s forgiveness, grace and mercy never run out. There is not one thing; nothing that can separate me and you from the love of God.

Go forward, step out and trust God. He knows the desires of your hearts. He just wants you to lean on Him and put Him to the test. I am a living, breathing testimony that He will do what He says and so much more.
Now go out and start Living Your Dreams Now!
Multi-award winning Author, Shelia E. Lipsey

Adrienna Turner BTR Showcase

Adrienna Turner has started a literary consulting firm called Dream 4 More. She discusses the literary market as a whole, meeting authors (new and seasoned), and panel discussions from other professionals in the literary business--all can be found on her previous showcase at Now, she will be changing her shows on Adrienna Turner showcase in January 2010.

Shows will be:
Secrets of Success
Let Your Day Begin/Desire At Will
Inspirational Showcases
Let's get Political/Not Talkin about a Dang Thang! (special shows)
Author's Spotlight (selected speakers and authors)

Stay tune, January 2, 2010 (time and day is in debate), call in 347-308-8612! November/December is changing to two-three times a week versus weekly Saturdays, 10pm Central Time.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dream 4 More Now

There are so many new authors and writers springing up in the literary market, where it is a time to spread your wings and fly. Yet, some are afraid to take the first step and jump out of the nest.

Dream 4 More Literary Consulting Firm is a new literary consulting firm to help new and aspiring authors to spread their wings and make their dreams a reality! We have teamed up with Christian Fiction Author, Shelia E. Lipsey, who has an organization called "Living Your Dreams Now" to start our new online radio showcase called Dream 4 More. We also have other new authors, guest speakers, and motivational spiritual coaches to shine in the literary world...and help you step into a new market of media.

We are starting a new showcase called Dream 4 More on BlogTalkRadio (BTR), November 1, 2009 at and call in number is 347-989-0702!

Our show line up:
Dream 4 More Now
Dream Reviews (Book Reviews and Book of the Month)
Literary Moments (Panel Discussions), News, and Dream Authors
Dream Interviews w/ Dream Authors

*Word of Wisdom and other special guests and commercial breaks brought you by Dream 4 More.

Visit our site to find out how you can be a featured guest co-host or Dream Author at (click on Submission Guidelines and Dream Services).


Adrienna Turner's Contributor Profile - Associated Content
